Math Puzzles and Patterns for Kids
Grades 2-4
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Release Date: 01/05/2007
Grades 2-4. Move beyond the norm in your math classroom and challenge students to think critically with Math Puzzles and Patterns for Kids. Exploring the hottest concept in puzzle solving-math logic puzzles-Math Puzzles and Patterns for Kids teaches students how to use reasoning to solve some of math's biggest conundrums. Move beyond the norm in your math classroom and challenge students to think critically with Math Puzzles and Patterns for Kids.
Grades 2-4
Exploring the hottest concept in puzzle solving—math logic puzzles—Math Puzzles and Patterns for Kids teaches students how to use reasoning to solve some of math's biggest conundrums: real-life patterns and puzzles such as Fibonacci's sequence, Sudoku puzzles, tangrams, Pascal's triangle, and magic squares.
Students are taught the basic premises behind each challenging puzzle and are then asked to use the skills they have learned to solve multiple versions of each puzzle.
Grades 2-4