Dispute Resolution Under the IDEA
Understanding, Avoiding, and Managing Special Education Disputes
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Release Date: 20/02/2023
Understanding, Avoiding, and Managing Special Education Disputes The only book on the market focused solely and comprehensively on the special education dispute resolution system, offering a jargon-free, step-by-step practical guide for all parties at each stage of the process, from parent advocates to school and district administrators to school counselors and psychologists. This one-of-a-kind, comprehensive resource provides all the information necessary both to avoid and to prepare for special education disputes. This book ensures that all parties receive the necessary information prior to proceeding to complaints, mediations, or hearings. While incorrect or inadequate information can lead to an inappropriate education for students with disabilities, correct information can enhance the education of students with disabilities and help to ensure the legal mandates guaranteed by the federal law. To avoid dispute resolution, it is critically important that education personnel understand how to ensure compliance with significant aspects of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Administrators and teachers must know (a) how to prepare for a state complaint investigation, mediations, and due process hearings, (b) what is involved and what is expected in each, and (c) what happens at the conclusion of the complaint investigation, mediation, or due process hearing. Written for all parties—special education administrators, principals, building administrators, teachers, and parents—this resource provides information about the dispute resolution systems: what is involved, how to prepare, the conduct of the complaint investigations, mediations, and due process hearings. Notably, the authors discuss how disputes can be avoided, but also when they occur, how school staff can to continue to work with productively with parents after the complaint or hearing.